Breast Augmentiation


  1. Small breast size (natural)

  2. Small breast size or breast skin laxity following aging,  breast feeding or weight loss

  3. Congenital deformities (asymmetry, aplasia)

  4. Breast loss following breast cancer operations

  5. Desire for larger breasts

Most breast implants are of silicone or saline. The silicone in the implant is cohesive gel, which means that it is firm, not loose, and will not escape into tissue in case of an implant ruptures. Implants are individually chosen after discussing the needs and desires of the patient during the consult visit.

How is the surgery done?

The surgery is done under general anesthesia as day surgery. The incision is made in the infra mammary fold (under the breast) or under the areola. Most implants are placed under the pectoral muscle and therefore do not interfere with breast feeding. By carefully choosing the implant size, existing asymmetries may be corrected. Sometimes a breast lift is combined with the augmentation.

What about recovery?

It is important to wear a supportive sports bra for 3 weeks night and day after the operation. The sutures dissolve on their own.  The scar is usually red and firm for a few months. The final breast shape and location is final after 3-6 months. A follow-up will be scheduled at 6 months.

 Before and After

Young female with 2 children. Postoperative picture is 7 years after breast augmentation with implants.


Breast augmentation with implants with very moderate mastopexy according to patient's wishes.
